
Custom Windows Pinned Tiles

Look at the plugin banner image - which of these Windows Start Screen Tiles would you open, colorful live-updating ones in the top row or static, plai …
최근 업데이트일
December 23, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Custom Windows Pinned Tiles

Look at the plugin banner image – which of these Windows Start Screen Tiles would you open, colorful live-updating ones in the top row or static, plain ones in the bottom row?

With Custom Windows Pinned Tiles 2, you can set up your site to display beautiful live-updating tiles in a matter of seconds. Just activate the plugin and pick a tile image and color on the settings page. Then, anyone who pins your site to their start screen with Windows 8.1/IE11 will see your site’s logo/image (at the size of their choosing), which will also live-update to display your latest 5 posts, with images if they’re available.

Live tiles feature your post titles and excerpts or images from the posts. Your website essentially becomes a Windows 8.1 App; a huge opportunity to engage your visitors and keep them coming back, with headlines from your content appearing directly on their start screen!

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