Custom Text Formats lets you add custom text formats to the Gutenberg Editor
최근 업데이트일
April 30, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Custom Text Formats

Custom Text Formats lets you add custom text formats to the Gutenberg Editor. Register a new format by adding a class to a chosen tag and add a format icon. There are several to choose from but you can also add your own. You can set the format as a regular selection wrap but you can also render out content in a single block, like an icon or other text or html content. Then add css styling to the class to control the behavior of the text format. You can use different css for backend and frontend.

Not for the code allergic

This plugin requires basic css and html skills so if you are allergic to code, this plugin is not for you.

Suggestions and opinions

If you like this plugin, I would be really happy if you would rate and review it! If you don’t like it and/or have ideas and suggestions for improvement, please let me know in the support forum.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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