
Custom Template for LearnDash

The selected custom template will replace default LearnDash course template for non-enrolled students.
최근 업데이트일
March 25, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Custom Template for LearnDash

To convert more visitors into students, you need a real sales page for your LearnDash courses. However, most sites just use the default LeanDash page that is not very friendly for conversions. That is because, making a custom sales page is difficult and requires a ton of custom development. But not anymore!

Now with this plugin, you will be able to design your own conversion friendly, custom sales page for your courses with any page builder. The page will be displayed to only non enrolled students, who have not bought the course.

In nutshell, transform the default LearnDash course template that appears for non enrolled students into a custom designed, sales or landing page and convert more visitors into students!

Here is how this plugin works:

  1. Install & Active the Plugin.
  2. Add a new Custom Template from the menu that would appear under LearnDash LMS Menu.
  3. The new Custom Templates will appear in the admin area of all individual courses under option “Select Custom Template for this Course”.
  4. Select the template for individual course.
  5. The default LearnDash template for that individual course will be replaced with the custom template selected in previous step.

This plugin currently works best with the Astra Theme.

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