
Custom links in Elementor Image Carousel

Lets you add custom links in Elementor Image Carousel widget
최근 업데이트일
November 9, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Custom links in Elementor Image Carousel

There is a WordPress limitation (no custom link on images) that makes impossible to add custom links on each image in an image carousel or image gallery like the one in Elementor free version.

This plugin just overrides WordPress attachment fields and Elementor Image Carousel widget to let you add custom links to each image in the carousel. Basically, it adds two custom fields to each image in WordPress Media Library (Custom link and “Open in new tab?” checkbox). Then it hooks into elementor image carousel widget just before it’s rendered on frontend.

Usage & Documentation

No options, no premium version, no bullshit. Just activate or deactivate.

Note: You have to enable the option “Link” in the Elementor Image Carousel widget and set it to: “Media Files” in order for it to work.


무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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