Crudiator is a plugin that makes it easy to achieve CRUD operations on custom tables in the WordPress admin panel.
최근 업데이트일
June 23, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

Once you create a custom table in WordPress, don’t you need a screen to manipulate that data within the WordPress admin panel?

When you prepare other database tables (henceforth, custom tables) in WordPress, you usually need a screen to operate CRUD for that table data in the WordPress admin panel. (CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, Delete.)

Moreover, it would be great if the screen conforms to the familiar WordPress UI, preferably so that WordPress users can use it intuitively.

However, it requires a certain amount of program development to prepare it in the WordPress admin panel, and this is quite a hassle.

This “Crudiator” makes it possible in just a few steps!

With Crudiator, you can instantly create a screen in the WordPress admin panel that allows CRUD manipulation of custom tables.

If you need to create a screen for CRUD operations on custom tables in WordPress, you will save a whole lot of development man-hours

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