A WordPress plugin for making either single score or multiple break down reviews on posts and/or pages.
최근 업데이트일
November 22, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목

Critique is a simple review plugin that can add single or multi sectioned reviews to either pages and/or posts. After installation and initial setup a new post meta box, “Critique Review Score”, is added to the right of the post and/or page edit screens depending on your settings. If you do not see the metabox go to your screen options and make sure it is enabled. When posting, simply fill out the form using either the inputs or by clicking the score line, once you save the posting your critique score(s) will be saved and displayed on the front end as well. If you leave a section blank it will not be displayed on the front end nor will it be used to calculate the overall average score.

The front end display has numerous classes added to various elements and should be easy to adjust to match your specific sites theme. The default styles are basic and may work well with your existing theme.

Since version 1.2.3 you can place the critique score box anywhere using the shortcode [critique_score], additional details on the settings page.

Note: If in the future you change your scale it will not retroactively effect your old critiques, so if for the first year you were using a 5 star system, then switch to a # out of 100 system, the 5 star reviews will be grandfathered in.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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