
Create And Assign Categories For Pages

Easily create/add post Categories to your Wordpress Pages
최근 업데이트일
January 19, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Create And Assign Categories For Pages

This plugin will help you to create the new category for your wordpress pages. You can assign those categories to your pages.

With that, you can get your wordpress pages with the help of specific category.

This will save your time from custom coding.


  • Create new Categories for wordpress Pages.
  • Assign them to the pages.
  • Lets you display List of Pages based on Categories
  • The plugin utilizes the archive.php and tag.php file included in your theme.

What are the benefits ?

There are some benefits of adding category to your Pages like, You can * Embed a Category Based List of Pages. * Create a Tag based archive for Pages. * Create a Category based Archive for Pages * Hide Pages belonging to specific Category.. and many More

you can list all your categories by wordpress default function “wp_list_categories();” .

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활성화된 설치 항목
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