
Country Code For Elementor Form Telephone Field

Guide your visitors to select their country code while entering their mobile number, ensuring accurate and properly formatted data submissions.
최근 업데이트일
June 17, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Country Code For Elementor Form Telephone Field

Improve your Elementor forms with the Country Code for Elementor Form Telephone Field plugin! This essential addon makes mobile number entry easy and accurate. Guide your visitors to select their country code while entering their mobile number, ensuring correctly formatted data submissions every time. Now, users can easily pick their country code, ensuring their phone numbers are entered correctly.

Check Free Demo

Key Features:

  • Seamless Integration: Add country code selection directly into Elementor forms.
  • User-Friendly: Simplify phone number input with guided country code selection.
  • Customizable: Display only specific countries in the country code dropdown.
  • Selective Exclusion: Remove specific countries from the country code dropdown.
  • Enhanced Usability: Improve form usability and data accuracy with precise formatting.
  • Default Setting: Set a default country code for convenience.

Upgrade your Elementor forms today and optimize user submissions with the Country Code for Elementor Form Telephone Field plugin!


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Third Party library & License Information

  • intl-tel-input:- [
  • International Telephone Input Github:- [](International Telephone Input Github)
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