
EM Cost Calculator

EM Cost Calculator is a dynamic plugin which allows you to edit any service, it's price and also the currency. When visitors will click on the c …
최근 업데이트일
November 18, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
EM Cost Calculator

EM Cost Calculator is a dynamic plugin which allows you to edit any service, it’s price and also the currency. When visitors will click on the calculate button they will see the total cost and a button order now. They will be able to make order via order form.



  1. Install & Activate the plugin
  2. From Admin dashboard click on widget from appearance.
  3. Select “EM Cost Calculator” and put it in your expected sidebar( widget holder ).
  4. Click on this widget “EM Cost Calculator” & name the services and their prices.
  5. If you don’t want any field just leave it blank.
  6. After finishing all edition click on save button.
  7. And then view the page where you added the the widget.
  8. Your customers list will be saved on EM Costing >> Customers-List on your admin dashboard.
  9. To show the calculator on a main page template, add the widget to “EM Cost Calculator” sidebar.
  10. Then create a new page and set the page attribute EMCC Template.

Pro version here.

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