
Contextual Adminbar Color

Use custom admin bar colors and favicons to differentiate your environments (staging/prod)
최근 업데이트일
January 14, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Contextual Adminbar Color

This plugins provides custom admin bar colors to differentiate environments (staging, preprod, production). It’s really easy to use and developer-friendly.

The plugin provides a settings screen which several options:

  • choose between several color predefined schemes.
  • use a favicon to better differentiate your environments in your browser’s tabs.
  • add a custom message in your admin bar, like “Production website”, “staging version” or whatever your want.
  • choose the user roles that will see the color scheme (other roles will see the default admin bar).

It also offers few PHP constants you can use in your wp-config.php file (see Frequently Asked Questions below).

Since WordPress Core will probably deprecate alternate admin color schemes in mid-term, this plugin is meant to be use by those who rely on colors to know is they are in staging, preproduction or production environment.

Last but not least, all provided color schemes are accessibility-ready!

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