
WP Star Reviews, Map, and Testimonials

This is a plugin that allows users to leave star reviews and for wp administrators to approve and display them according to service, item or location.
최근 업데이트일
November 10, 2013
활성화된 설치 항목
WP Star Reviews, Map, and Testimonials

How it works:

Go to the Contempo Reviews admin panel and style the testimonials however you like using the given options.

  1. Go to the page you would like the review form to be on. Check the box that says “Display Review Form,” select your options and insert the shortcode “[review_form]”

  2. When a user leaves a review, approve it.

  3. Go to the page you would like your reviews to display on. Check the box that says “Display Testimonials.” Leave the service/item and location fields blank to display all reviews. Fill in the fields to filter the reviews by those subjects. Finally, use the [review_testimonials] shortcode in the editor to display the testimonials anywhere within the page.

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