
Comment Link Manager

CLM enables admins to disable author links, open links in new window, and remove the nofollow tag from links that are left in comments by visitors.
최근 업데이트일
November 14, 2011
활성화된 설치 항목

The CLM plugin allows wordpress admins to have more control over the links left by users who leave comments on their blogs. Admins are provided with the ability to remove all author links from comments unless the user has made an admin specified number of comments. You are also provided with the ability to override that setting with whitelist and blacklist features. The full list of features provided by the CLM plugin is below


  • Enables admins to remove nofollow attribute from comment author links
  • Allows for optional removal of nofollow attribute from links left in the body of comments
  • Provides admins with the ability to open comment author and body links in a new browser window.
  • Provides ability for admins to require a specified number of comments before enabling comment author links
  • Has built in whitelist and blacklist functions to override general setting of required number of comments
무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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