
Code formatter for PowerBI

Use this plugin to format your Power BI Codes (DAX and M) via simple shorttags
최근 업데이트일
December 14, 2020
활성화된 설치 항목
Code formatter for PowerBI

WordPress plugin for formatting and beautifying of DAX and M code (as used in PowerQuery, PowerBI and Excel PowerPivot)

M code (PowerQuery)

[mcode theme=dark linewidth=90 width=600px ]let a = 1 in a[/mcode]

DAX code (PowerBI, PowerPivot)

[daxcode width=600px region=US]EVALUATE myTable[/daxcode]

All shortcode attributes are optional.

The plugin formats your code, by sending it to the following free services and showing the result on your site. The formatted results for unchanged code are cached (for 30 days) via WordPress transients.

By using the plugin (and therefore using the services of DAXFormatter and PowerQueryFormatter) you agree to their terms of use (see links above).

Power BI is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.

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