
Embed CloudTables directly in WordPress

CloudTables lets you build complex and configurable data sets with ease. This plugin provides the ability to embed your data sets through the WordPres …
최근 업데이트일
November 14, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목

CloudTables provides the tools needed to let you create complex database applications in moment and then embed them directly into your own site to provide your users with a seamless design. This plug-in is provided to make the embedding of CloudTables into a WordPress site just the matter of a few clicks!


Block Editor

If you use WordPress’ block editor, you will find a ‘CloudTables’ option in the ‘Layout’ section. Select that for where you wish the CloudTable to appear. You will see the CloudTables logo in the block and in the block inspector a dropdown option list from which you can select the data set you wish to display at that point.

Short code

For those that prefer to use a short code, please use: [cloudtable id="..."] where the id attribute is the id of the data set you wish to embed. This can be found on the ‘Data’ tab of your data set in the CloudTables application.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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