Highlight key phrases or sentences on your Wordpress website to be shared via Twitter.
최근 업데이트일
June 21, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Click & Tweet

Why Use It?

Surely you’d jump on the opportunity to use a tool that practically allows your content to market itself. Too good to be true? We all know the power and reach that Twitter has as a marketing tool. So we created this Click & Tweet plugin to provide your users with an enticing, simple way to share the content on your website. By doing this, you not only increase your audience, but also strengthen your authority as the opinions of peers hold a lot of weight today when it comes to backing a brand.

Share buttons can become just an afterthought, and by the last sentence users are probably already considering where to turn their attention next. The Click & Tweet plugin allows site owners to highlight what they consider to be the most “tweetable” phrases. Now when the reader comes across a key sentence or phrase that the author has highlighted, he can simply click the link at the end of the sentence and send the pre-formatted tweet. You have the ability to format the tweet to include a mention of your Twitter username, add hashtags, and a link back to your website.

Created by Space Studio


Read the documentation here:


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활성화된 설치 항목
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