
Change WordPress Login Logo

Upload your logo for WordPress login page instead of the usual WordPress logo with simple settings.
최근 업데이트일
September 20, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Change WordPress Login Logo

The Change WordPress Login Logo Plugin is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of personalization to their WordPress site. With this plugin, you can easily update your WordPress login page logo with your own customized logo in just a few clicks, without any coding knowledge required. Make your login page truly unique to your brand.

The plugin is incredibly user-friendly, allowing you to upload your logo quickly and easily via the WordPress customizer. It is also fully customizable, allowing you to adjust the logo’s size, positioning, and other settings to perfectly match your site’s design.

In addition to its ease of use, the Change WordPress Login Logo Plugin is also lightweight and fast-loading, ensuring that it won’t slow down your site’s performance. Plus, it’s compatible with all the latest versions of WordPress, ensuring that you always have access to the latest features and security updates.

Purchase Premium Plugin

Premium Features:

1. Login Background Color Change 2. Logn Form Background Color 3. Form Label Text Color 4. Login Page Link Color
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