
Category Post Shortcode

This plugin is to display post by category in your page/post
최근 업데이트일
November 25, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin allow you to display post list in your page or post by using shortcode.

How to use

just put this shortcode in your post or pages

[cat totalposts=”3″ category=”1,3″ thumbnail=”true” excerpt=”true” ]

  • totalposts – your total number of post to display. default is -1
  • category – category id. use comma , for multiple id
  • thumbnail – set true if you want to display thumbnail. default is false
  • date – set true if you want to display post date. default is false. Uses format set in WordPress Settings > General > Date Format
  • excerpt – set true if you want to display excertp. default is true
  • orderby – your post will order by . default post_date . check for detail

thumbnail * create custom field key as thumbnail-url and put your thumbnail url in the value area

style at your own * you need to style your category-post-shortcode plugin in your style.css example

.cat-post{ width:100%; } .cat-post-list{ display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; position: relative;

} .cat-post-images{ float:left; width:140px; display:block; }

.cat-content{ width:350px; float:right; } .cat-post-title{ display: block; width:100%; } .cat-post-date{ display: block; width:100%; } .cat-clear{ clear:both; }

  1. more info or sample, please visit
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활성화된 설치 항목
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