
Catch Web Tools

A top-notch modular plugin that can greatly enhance the capabilities of a WordPress website with its powerful features.
최근 업데이트일
April 17, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Catch Web Tools

Catch Web Tools is a modular plugin that powers up your WordPress site with simple and utilitarian features. It currently offers Webmaster Tool, Open Graph, Custom CSS, Social Icons, Security, Updator and Basic SEO optimization modules with more addition in updates to come.

Here are some quick reasons why you should check these out!

Let’s begin with how easy the setup process is. It’s just a matter of clicks.

One usual assumption people have is like when a plugin offers multiple features and facilities, it loads slow. However, Catch Web Tools offers modular plugins that you activate manually. Which simply means, that if there are 50 different facilities the plugin offers, your site won’t take the load of those 50 features unless you activate them. You have the option of activating manually the exact feature’s you need and not unnecessarily overload your site.

Catch Web Tools is available for free downloads at this point. Which means, you will get a lot of advanced features that would make your site interesting, efficient and professional – for free!

Catch Web Tools use clean coding that follows WordPress’s standard guideline. Which means, zero hassles and perfect compatibility with your themes!

프리미엄 지원

Catch Plugins team does not provide support for the Catch Web Tools plugin on the forums. Support is provided at Catch Web Tools Support Forum


Catch Web Tools plugin is translation ready. Added Translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Valdir Trombini Added Translation for Serbo-Croatian by Andrijana Nikolic

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