
Carbon Breadcrumbs

A basic WordPress plugin for breadcrumbs with advanced capabilities for extending.
최근 업데이트일
April 11, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목

Provides the theme and plugin developers an easy way to build and implement highly customizable breadcrumb functionality, specifically tailored to their needs. Supports a lot of filters and hooks, and is written in OOP style, giving developers full control over the breadcrumb trail items and appearance. This plugin can also be embedded in themes, instead of installing it as a WordPress plugin.


The most basic way to insert Carbon Breadcrumbs in your theme code is:

<?php Carbon_Breadcrumb_Trail::output(); ?>

If you want to specify various breadcrumb rendering options, you can specify them in an array, like this:

<?php Carbon_Breadcrumb_Trail::output(array( 'glue' => ' &gt; ', // glue between breadcrumb items 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'wrapper_before' => '', 'wrapper_after' => '', 'title_before' => '', 'title_after' => '', 'min_items' => 2, 'last_item_link' => true, 'display_home_item' => true, 'home_item_title' => __('Home', 'carbon_breadcrumbs'), 'renderer' => 'Carbon_Breadcrumb_Trail_Renderer', )); ?>

For additional configuration and developer documentation, you can visit the Github repository:

Ideas and bug reports

Any ideas for new modules or any other additional functionality that users would benefit from are welcome.

If you have an idea for a new feature, or you want to report a bug, feel free to do it here in the Support tab, or you can do it at the Github repository of the project:

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