
Buy This Book

[No longer under development! See the Author Showcase plugin for similar, extended functionality.] Buy This Book allows authors to display their books …
최근 업데이트일
July 5, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목

Buy This Book is no longer under active development. A new plugin called the Author Showcase is available with extended and upgraded functionality. This plugin should still work on the latest version of WordPress, and support is still available, but it won’t have any new features added.

Buy This Book is a WordPress plugin designed for authors. It was created to combat three problems:

  • Many authors use things like the Amazon Affiliate widget to display their books, which is stripped out of webpages by adblockers. This results in their books never being seen by a significant chunk of users, as adblockers are the most popular plugins for Chrome and Firefox.
  • If authors want to just add their books and a link to Amazon, etc, they’re obliged to know some HTML and it’s something of a pain in the ass.
  • Neither option is ideal when books can be available on multiple websites.

Buy This Book takes cover images and up to seven websites, and displays them on the sidebar with a slideout menu.

It supports:

  • Amazon
  • Kobo
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Smashwords
  • Lulu
  • iBooks
  • One custom option

This version of the plugin can also be modified to use other services.

Suggestions for new functionality welcome! Please contact me here:

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활성화된 설치 항목
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