
Buy Me a Coffee button & widgets – Fundraise with Stripe and PayPal

Easy way to collect donations like "buy me a coffee" directly your own Stripe and PayPal for free.
최근 업데이트일
March 10, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Buy Me a Coffee button & widgets – Fundraise with Stripe and PayPal

User Guide | Demo

Stripe onsite and PayPal pro module allow you to get paid right on your site. Buy Me a Coffee offers you different templates like donate a coffee or donate a custom amount.

Buy me a Coffee is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to accept donations from your visitors. It is a simple and effective way to monetize your content. You can accept donations via PayPal or Stripe. The plugin is very easy to use and configure. You can add a PayPal donation button, Form, or template anywhere on your website using a shortcode or a widget.

Buy Me a Coffee is a perfect solution for content creators, bloggers, musicians, artists, developers, gamers, photographers, and all other types of content creators who want to accept donations (as Buy Coffee for Me) from their visitors.

You can use it for free without any limitations. You can accept donations from your visitors without any commission. Donations are collected directly into your own PayPal or Stripe account merchant. You can accept donations in any currency supported by PayPal or Stripe. one-time donations are available now will implement recurring donations in the future. You can accept donations from your visitors using a Stripe and PayPal donation button, Form, or template. Accept donations from your visitors using a shortcode or a widget. It Will be available using a popup or a page.

You can accept donations from your visitors using custom amounts.

Features: Custom number of donations Accept donations using Onsite Stripe and PayPal Pro Customizable templates Form shortcode and widget Buttons Shortcode and widget Donor profiles Donation statistics/reports Quick setup mode Buy Me a Coffee counter Multiple theme templates

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