
WordPress Error Monitoring by Bugsnag

Bugsnag is a WordPress plugin that automatically detects errors & crashes on your WordPress site, and notifies you by email, chat or issues system
최근 업데이트일
July 13, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
WordPress Error Monitoring by Bugsnag

Bugsnag is a WordPress plugin that automatically detects errors & crashes on your WordPress site, and notifies you by email, chat or ticket system.

All websites crash from time to time, including WordPress sites! The WordPress Error Monitoring plugin by Bugsnag automatically detects crashes, exceptions and other errors in your WordPress PHP code as well as any errors in plugins you are using.

Errors are sent to your Bugsnag Dashboard for you to view and debug, and we’ll also notify you by email, chat, sms or create a ticket in your issue tracking system if you use one. We’ll also show you exactly how many times each error occurred, and how many users were impacted by each crash.

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