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11개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Monitor.chat - Monitor WordPress with Instant Messages
    게시자: Edward Stoever
    Your WordPress server will keep you informed in real-time with instant messages that you receive on your mobile device.
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    Ejabberd Account Tools
    게시자: Krzysztof Grochocki
    Provides a set of useful tools for the ejabberd server, both for the frontend and backend spaces
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    XMPP Statistics
    게시자: Krzysztof Grochocki
    Displays the statistics from ejabberd XMPP server through ReST API.
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    게시자: brjhcxnnwqjevwc
    Converse.js is an open source webchat client, that runs in the browser and can be integrated into any website.
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    XMPP Authentication
    게시자: Jehan Hysseo
    Allows users to authenticate without password via XMPP and for visitors to be filtered by XMPP verification.
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    게시자: Sergey S. Betke
    This plugin provides support for p3chat.com online chat service on Your wordpress website.
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    XMPP Enabled
    게시자: Sand Fox
    XMPP Enabled provides a single-function API for other plugins that use Jabber/XMPP messaging protocol.
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    ConverseJS for WordPress
    게시자: Mako N
    Webchat client Converse.js into Wordpress
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    게시자: Missi
    Notify the Admin about new comments via jabber. Admin- Benachrichtigung ueber neue Kommentare per Jabber.
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    XMPP sender
    게시자: Alexey Laptev
    XMPP sender allows to send (and receive) notifications about new comments in blog. Also it can override email function to xmpp for your blog.
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    Jabber Feed
    게시자: Jehan Hysseo
    This plugin feeds Jabber server pubsub nodes when new posts are published on Wordpress and comments are added.