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43개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Stop the Bokettch
    게시자: jim912
    Displaying an alert notification to the ToolBar if you have checked "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" Options.
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    WordPress Meta Keywords
    게시자: Typomedia Foundation
    This plugin gives you the ability to set Meta Keywords in WordPress. Under pages it will registrate a separate taxonomy for keywords.
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    Wordpress SEO Content Cloaker
    게시자: Nicolas TRIMARDEAU
    Generate new shortcodes that use RDNS to obfuscate content for GoogleBot and the User Agent Method to obfuscate content for SEO Crawlers
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    WordPress Meta Description
    게시자: Typomedia Foundation
    With this plugin you can control the text which will be shown as description on the search engine results pages.
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    SEO Tag Cloud Widget
    게시자: Gavriel Fleischer
    SEO Tag Cloud Widget displays the tag cloud in a SEO-friendly way, using a search engine optimized html markup.
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    Simplistic SEO
    게시자: Kevin Walker, Roman Peterhans
    Everything you need for basic SEO in one simple plugin. Lets you optimize title tags and meta descriptions directly from the post screen.
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    SEO Advicer by ScorpionGodLair.com
    게시자: ScorpionGod Lair
    SEO Advicer will give you random OnSite & OffSite SEO Actions you need to implement for better SEO Strength in your website.
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    PRO Sitemaps Connect
    게시자: PRO Sitemaps
    This plugin is turning an XML Sitemap created by PRO Sitemaps service into a self-hosted sitemap by serving it directly using your website domain
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    Submit to Google Index Button
    게시자: Talor Berthelson
    Wordpress plugin that adds Submit to Google Index button to post edit pages.
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    Sewn In Simple SEO
    게시자: Jupitercow
    A very simple SEO interface without caricatures and cruft. New improved social support.
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    WP AdminTools
    게시자: Stefan Seibel
    Control additional Wordpress, SEO and Database features with this swiss army knife for WordPress.
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    게시자: Adenergizer
    Manage robot.txt, ads.txt output from dashboard without actually creating them.
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    Search by Tags
    게시자: Mayerz
    Let your readers search the web or your website directly from your posts content for any of your Tags. It will also improve your website's SEO.
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    Detect Search Engine Referrer
    게시자: Moazam Nabi
    This plugin disable w3 total cache plugin functionality if visitor is coming from search engine.
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    SEO Blogroll
    게시자: Francesco Castaldo
    Lets you decide which blogroll links have the nofollow attribute. Don't waste link juice!
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    Search Engine query in Wordpress
    게시자: Francesco Castaldo
    If the visitor comes from a known search engine, the widget grabs the used search query and shows internal blog posts that match that query.
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    Standard XML Sitemaps
    게시자: Patrick Chia
    Automatic generate standard XML sitemap for wordpress blog and add sitemap into current robots.txt. It's like XML feed.
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    Suggestion Engine for WooCommerce
    게시자: VillaTheme
    The easiest way to help you sell more products by search engine and suggested product form your WooCommerce store.
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    Altoshift For Woocommerce
    게시자: Altoshift
    Altoshift For Woocommerce. This plugin integrates your WordPress site with the Altoshift Services.
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    Simple Ajax Search
    게시자: Pablo Cianes
    Easily create a dynamic ajax search engine for your blog.