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15개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    게시자: Tainacan.org
    Tainacan is an open-source, powerful and flexible digital repository platform for WordPress.
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    Tainacan URL Metadata Type
    게시자: tainacan
    This plugin is not required anymore if you are using Tainacan 0.21.0, as the URL metadata type has become an official metadata type inside the plugin.
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    Project Pages
    게시자: Woody Hayday
    Beautiful, Simple, Project Portfolio's for WordPress, using the latest Semantic UI.
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    Информер ветки git
    게시자: IKSWEB
    Плагин добавляет кнопку-информер в админ. панель в публичной части, с помощью которой можно узнать текущую ветку git, а так же изменить ее.
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    게시자: ScoutDocs
    August, 2019: ScoutDocs is shutting down. Please don't install the plugin.
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    GitHub Repository Shortcode
    게시자: Jim Valentine - f13dev
    Add a snapshot of your GitHub repository to any page or post on your WordPress blog.
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    Code Repository
    게시자: Jameson Aranda
    Allows users to save scripts and code snippets, using the built-in WordPress post revisioning system.
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    WP GitHub Tools
    게시자: Vilmos Ioo
    A plugin that inserts dynamic updates for any GitHub repository.
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    Show Repos
    게시자: Joytou Wu
    Show your repo(s) on the wordpress through a simple shortcode. Modular structure, on-demand expansion, open source code. Show the code-managed reposit …
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    Block Repo Plugin Updates
    게시자: Armando Lüscher
    Blocks plugin updates for any plugin whose folder looks like a code repo.
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    게시자: Clearcode
    This plugin allows you to automatically send changes to your GIT repository, immediately after any update is made on your site.
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    게시자: Clearcode
    This plugin allows you to deploy your WordPress site source code from git repository using webhooks.
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    Sell My Plugin
    게시자: Rob Landry
    This plugin allows you to host your own plugins on your wordpress installation.
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    Github Widget
    게시자: Erik Gregg
    Puts a list of your repositories on the sidebar. May be more configurable than other GitHub widgets.
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    SVN upgrade
    게시자: Marin Crnković (marin.crnkovic@gmail.com)
    Upgrade your WordPress to the latest release the most easiest way possible!