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58개 플러그인
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    로코 번역
    게시자: Tim Whitlock
    워드프레스 플러그인과 테마를 당신의 브라우저에서 바로 번역해 보세요.
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    WP Multibyte Patch
    게시자: Seisuke Kuraishi
    Multibyte functionality enhancement for the WordPress Japanese package.
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    고성능 번역
    게시자: WordPress Performance Team
    워드프레스에서 국제화/현지화를 그 어느 때보다 빠르게 할 수 있습니다.
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    WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X
    게시자: qTranslate Team
    Enables multilingual framework for plugin "WPBakery Visual Composer".
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    BuddyPress Multilingual
    게시자: OnTheGoSystems
    BuddyPress Multilingual allows BuddyPress and BuddyBoss sites to run fully multilingual using the WPML plugin.
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    WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer
    게시자: WPGlobus
    WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer is an extension to the WPGlobus plugin.
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    Disable Login Language Switcher
    게시자: Dominik Schilling
    Removes the language dropdown from the login screen.
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    Preferred Languages
    게시자: Pascal Birchler
    Choose languages for displaying WordPress in, in order of preference.
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    Remove "Comments are closed"
    게시자: Per Soderlind
    Remove the "Comments are closed" text from posts.
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    qTranslate X Cleanup and WPML Import
    게시자: OntheGoSystems
    Allows a complete uninstall and cleanup of qTranslate X meta-tags or importing translations into WPML
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    Admin in English
    게시자: Nikolay Bachiyski
    Admin in English lets you have your administration panel in English, even if the rest of your blog is translated into another language.
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    qTranslate META
    게시자: John J. Camilleri
    For users of qTranslate, allows you to set multi-lingual META tags and a <title> override for your posts and pages.
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    Shinobi Reviews
    게시자: Shinobi Works
    A review plugin for gathering many customer reviews easily.
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    Dokan WPML
    게시자: weDevs
    WPML integration for Dokan Multivendor Plugin
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    게시자: Bertilo Wennergren
    This plugin gives better transliteration of non-ASCII characters in slugs.
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    게시자: Katsushi Kawamori
    Add a Japanese calendar including the era in date format, posts, comments, archives and calendar.
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    게시자: Wovn Technologies, Inc.
    Localize your website, translate web pages in minutes.
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    Send E-mail
    게시자: Paolo Melchiorre
    Add a contact form to any post, page or text widget. Messages will be sent to any email address you choose. As seen on wordpress.com with added i18n.
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    Hide "Comments are closed"
    게시자: Amitpal Singh
    Hide the "Comments are closed" text from posts.
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    WPML comment merging
    게시자: Fabian Lange
    This plugin merges comments from all WPML translations of the posts and pages, so that they all are displayed on each other.