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20개 플러그인
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    Meks Time Ago
    게시자: Meks
    Automatically change your post date display to "time ago" format like 1 hour ago, 3 days ago, etc...
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    TinyMCE Custom Styles
    게시자: Tim Reeves
    Enhance TinyMCE visual editor with a dedicated stylesheet, a stylesheet shared with the frontend, and custom styles in the Formats dropdown.
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    Format Media Titles
    게시자: David Gwyer
    Automatically formats the title (and optionally the ALT field) for new media uploads. No need to manually edit the title anymore every time you upload …
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    Code Markup
    게시자: Bennett McElwee
    Code Markup is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to include program code samples in your posts.
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    International Phone Number Format
    게시자: Mohamed Endisha
    The International Phone Number Format plugin allows you to effortlessly format and validate international phone numbers within WooCommerce and WordPre …
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    Text Control
    게시자: Jeff Minard, Frank Bültge
    Text Control will allow you to choose from a variety of formatting syntaxes and encoding options. You can choose between Markdown, Textile 1, Textile …
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    Highlight Text
    게시자: George Mamadashvili
    Text highligher for the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg).
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    Urvanov richtext addfmt
    게시자: Urvanov
    Adds additional buttons to Gutenberg editor.
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    Markdown for WordPress and bbPress
    게시자: Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine
    A text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
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    JSM Pretty Schema JSON-LD for Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, etc.
    게시자: JS Morisset
    Re-format Schema LD+JSON / JSON-LD from Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, and others to create human readable (aka "pretty") code.
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    게시자: Leandro Arndt
    Add HTML <div> tags directly on the visual editor. Supports css classes and media embedding parameters. Use shortcode [div].
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    Post Format Filter
    Filter posts by post format, also supports custom types.
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    Post Formats
    게시자: silver530
    Enables Post Formats support.
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    Code Block
    게시자: Jerome Paulos
    A simple and nice-looking Gutenberg block for displaying code snippets.
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    Smart Arrow Shortcodes
    게시자: Ishan Sharma
    Automatically replace "" with nice arrow symbols in your posts.
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    Developer Formatter
    게시자: Gilberto Saraiva
    Create a better display of codes on your page/blog.
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    ingenidev, Elementor용 코드 위젯
    게시자: ingenidev
    이 Elementor 위젯 플러그인을 사용하면 뷰어를 위해 클립보드에 쉽게 복사할 수 있는 기능이 포함된 코드 컨테이너를 표시하고 서식을 지정할 수 있습니다.
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    Pangu JS
    게시자: 沈唁
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    Formatted post
    게시자: Kiro G.
    This plugin is for the users who need to post with fixed format regularly,and it's first plugin I develope solo.
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    게시자: V.J.Catkick
    Japanese style manuscript paper (for writing, not music) format on your entry.