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12개 플러그인
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    rus to lat advanced
    게시자: Dmitry Fatakov
    Russian filename and link (from title) translitter for Wordpress.
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    Filenames to latin
    게시자: webvitaly
    Sanitize filenames to latin during upload.
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    Clean Filenames
    게시자: Samuel Aguilera
    Removes or replace international or special characters that can make your filenames not compliant with some servers or services.
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    File Media Renamer
    게시자: Bradley B. Dalina
    This plugin allows you rename uploaded files available in wordpress media and change the postname or slug name.
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    Make Filename Lowercase
    게시자: Ed Reckers (Red Bridge Internet)
    Sets uploaded media filename to lowercase.
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    MD5 Media Renamer
    게시자: Natexim Concept
    Sanitize and rename automatically media files during upload using PHP time() as prefix and the file name encrypted in MD5() as suffix.
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    Rus filename translit
    게시자: Dmitry Balashov
    Wordpress russian filename translitter.
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    RY Nice Upload FileName
    게시자: Richer Yang
    Rewrite upload filename if not english or number letter
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    PRyC WP: Sanitize file name (when upload)
    게시자: PRyC
    Plugin sanitize file name when upload files - remove space, ASCII characters, lowercase, etc...
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    Clean Media Library File Names
    게시자: Eric King
    This plugin cleans uploaded file names to remove special characters and spaces.
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    Seo File Names
    게시자: Afterglow Web Agency
    Seo File Names aims to save you time and boost your SEO by automatically renaming the files you upload to the media library with SEO friendly names.
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    Uploaded file name sanitizer
    게시자: devliudaseu
    Replaces uploaded file name chars which are not in 'a-z', '0-9' and ' '(space) range.