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8개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Jetpack Boost - Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS
    게시자: Automattic - Jetpack Site Speed team
    Jetpack Boost로 페이지 성능을 최적화하여 워드프레스 사이트의 속도를 높이세요. 쉽게 원클릭 최적화를 활성화하여 Core Web Vitals를 강화하세요.
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    Hummingbird - Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript
    게시자: WPMU DEV
    Optimize site speed with best WP cache plugin. Cache, minify CSS & minify JavaScript, defer critical CSS & JS, smush & lazy load images.
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    PageSpeed Ninja - Cache, Minify, Defer CSS JavaScript, Critical CSS, Optimize Images, Convert WebP
    게시자: PageSpeed Ninja
    Boost page speed: cache, compress, optimize images to WebP, minify CSS/JS, defer loading, lazy load, generate critical CSS, improve Core Web Vitals
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    Reduce Unused CSS Solution with Critical CSS For WP
    게시자: Magazine3
    Critical CSS For WP removes the unused CSS which helps to paint fast and render the above fold content, before downloading the complete css files.
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    ShortPixel Critical CSS
    게시자: ShortPixel
    Critical CSS plugin by ShortPixel to speed up your website. Easy to use, works on any website.
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    CSS Optimizer - Remove Unused CSS
    게시자: ZippiSite
    Clean up and remove unused CSS from your website. Also generates Critical CSS to improve PageSpeed Score.
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    Eliminate Render Blocking CSS
    게시자: eliminate-render-blocking-css.com
    Get a better PageSpeed result by integrating the eliminate-render-blocking-css.com service into your site.
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    Critical CSS and Javascript
    게시자: Team Performance
    Defer render blocking CSS and Javascript with the best Critical-CSS WordPress plugin