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52개 플러그인
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    게시자: Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
    WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.
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    중복 글 지우기
    게시자: cleverplugins.com
    수동 또는 자동 모드를 사용하여 블로그에서 중복 글과 페이지(모든 글 유형)를 제거하세요.
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    Simple Revisions Delete
    게시자: Brice CAPOBIANCO
    Let you delete your posts revisions individually or all at once (purge or bulk action). Compatible with Gutenberg (experimental) and classic editor.
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    이미지 재생성 및 자르기 선택
    게시자: Iulia Cazan
    이미지에 대한 고급 관리, 새로운 하위 크기 등록, 하위 크기 세부 정보, 파일 재생성 및 정리.
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    Freesoul Deactivate Plugins - Plugin manager and cleanup
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    Load plugins only where you need them. No bloat, no conflicts, more speed. Deactivate plugins where they don't add anything useful.
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    Optimize Images Resizing
    게시자: OriginalEXE
    Plugin optimizes the process of generating custom image sizes in WordPress and offers a cleanup functionality for preexisting images.
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    Specific Content For Mobile - Customize the mobile version without redirections
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    Specific Content For Mobile allows you to create pages and posts content designed for mobile devices.
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    Image Cleanup
    게시자: Robbert Langezaal, Simon Duduica
    Image Cleanup will index unreferenced images. These can be leftovers from cropping and scaling images. Stop them cluttering your content folder!
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    Cleanup Action Scheduler
    게시자: Media Uganda
    Delete Action Scheduler Events to avoid having large database tables.
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    Database Toolset
    게시자: Neoslab
    Database Toolset can help you to keep your database clean by deleting all unneeded entries such as "transient", "revision", "auto draft" and more.
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    게시자: JortK
    This Wordpress plugin will cleanup your Wordpress database by remove all unused data from your database.
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    whatwedo ACF Cleaner
    게시자: whatwedo
    Cleanup old metadata created by Advanced Custom Fields.
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    Admin Cleanup
    게시자: Matt Gibbs
    This plugin helps you organize your WordPress admin menu.
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    AAA Option Optimizer
    게시자: Joost de Valk
    Plugin that tracks autoloaded options usage and allows the user to optimize them.
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    Editor Cleanup For Elementor: clean up and solve plugin conflicts with the Elementor editor
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    FDP add-on to clean up the editor of Elementor. The Elementor editor will be faster and without conflicts with other plugins.
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    Remove Cookies From Static Resources
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    It removes cookies from the requests to static resources for the modern browsers.
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    Disable Global Style
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    It disables the global style inlined by WordPress since WP 5.9.
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    Editor Cleanup For Oxygen: FDP add-on to cleanup the Oxygen editor
    게시자: Jose Mortellaro
    FDP add-on to cleanup Oxygen in the backend. Your Oxygen backend will be faster and without conflicts with other plugins.
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    WP Cleanup and Basic Functions
    게시자: Guillaume Kanoufi
    Head section cleanup and many usual custom settings used on every website setup as images settings and sizes, privacy, and basic admin customizations
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    WPEX Replace DB Urls
    게시자: Detlef Stöver
    The easiest, most effective way to replace urls in the wordpress database.