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10개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Async JavaScript
    게시자: Frank Goossens (futtta)
    Async Javascript lets you add 'async' or 'defer' attribute to scripts to exclude to help increase the performance of your WordPres …
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    Speed Up - Optimize CSS Delivery
    게시자: Simone Nigro
    This plugin load the stylesheets asynchronously and improve page load times.
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    Async JS and CSS
    게시자: elCHAVALdelaWEB
    Converts render-blocking CSS and JS files into NON-render-blocking, improving performance of web page.
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    Asynchronous Javascript
    게시자: Paris Holley
    Improve page load performance by asynchronously loading javascript using head.js
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    Lazy Widget Loader
    게시자: itthinx
    Lazy Widget Loader provides lazy loading for widgets to improve page loading. Use on slow widgets with content from Facebook, Twitter, AdSense ...
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    LH CSS Lazy Load
    게시자: Peter Shaw
    Javascript has a HTML based method for deferring and asynchronously loading files, namely script Defer and script Async. Unfortunately these HTML solu …
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    Asynchronous Emails
    게시자: Mohamed Endisha
    This WordPress plugin allows you to send emails asynchronously using cron jobs, instead of the default way of sending emails immediately upon sending.
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    게시자: dabohaze
    When adding media on the post screen, automatically add decoding = "async" to the img tag
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    게시자: Kyle Reicks
    Head.js is a script to asynchronously load and manage dependencies of javascript and CSS assets.
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    Dynamic Shortcode
    게시자: FanaticPythoner
    Make any shortcode asynchronous - Eliminate render-blocking shortcodes, improve user experience and Google PageSpeed Insights.