Optimiere die Funktionalität deiner Website mit Plugins

Erweitere deine Website mit tausenden Plugins und profitiere von neuen Funktionen und Integrationen.

9개 플러그인
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    Admin Columns for ACF Fields
    게시자: Florian Eickhorst
    Allows you to enable columns for your ACF fields in post and taxonomy overviews (e.g. "All Posts") in the Wordpress admin backend.
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    Admin Slug Column
    게시자: Chuck Reynolds
    Adds a column to admin posts/pages views with the slug & URL path. It's helpful when titles don't explain what the page is, or too many …
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    WP Adminify - WordPress Custom Dashboard | Custom Login | Admin Columns | Dashboard Widget | Media Folders
    게시자: Jewel Theme
    Customize the WordPress Dashboard or admin using 20+ Modules like White Label WP, Dark Mode, Folders, Admin Columns, Notice, Login Customizer, & more.
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    Add Featured Image Column
    게시자: Robin Cornett
    This plugin adds a featured image column to any post type which supports featured images. See which posts have a featured image at a glance!
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    Ni WooCommerce Admin Order Columns
    게시자: anzia
    Ni WooCommerce Admin Order Columns enhances the admin order page by adding columns that display crucial information about the ordered products.
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    Manage Admin Columns
    게시자: Elemendas, Santiago Becerra
    This plugin adds a featured image column to WordPress Dashboard. It automatically adds a column to any post type which supports a featured image.
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    WooCommerce Product Type Column
    게시자: WooCommerce
    Displays a "product type" column (with icons) on the products admin screen in WooCommerce.
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    Admin Columns - Icons Add-on
    게시자: Jesper van Engelen
    Use icons instead of text labels in column headers on post, user, media and other admin pages. Extension for Admin Columns.
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    Adjust Users Screen
    게시자: Keith Drakard
    Alter the Users screen in the admin, re-ordering the columns and turning individual columns on or off.