
BP Distance Search

Adds a Google Place Autocomplete profile field type for BuddyPress, and enables search by distance with BP Profile Search.
최근 업데이트일
April 7, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

BP Distance Search adds a new Google Place Autocomplete field type to your BuddyPress extended profiles, and registers this field type with BP Profile Search.

After installing this plugin:

  1. Admin can create new profile field(s) with type Google Place Autocomplete
  2. Members can fill in the new profile field(s) on their Profile Edit page
  3. Admin can add the new profile field(s) to a BP Profile Search form, selecting either the distance search mode or one of the usual text search modes contains, is, or is like
  4. Visitors can use the search form with the new profile field(s)

See the screenshots below depicting the above steps.

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