
Bogo bbPress

Multilingual bbPress with Bogo
최근 업데이트일
April 2, 2015

Make your multilingual WordPress site have multilingual Forums, with Bogo and bbPress.

Say your default language bbPress is located at /forums/ and you have German and Spanish translations of your website, then the localized bbPress versions can be viewed at /de/forums/ and /es/forums/ respectively.

All email notifications are localized to the language the user set in their profile. Also localizes URLs contained in emails where appropriate.

Development status: This plugin was developed because I thought it was a solution to my problem. It wasn’t. Turns out what I really needed was a multisite setup with separate languages. When I found out, I was close the version 3.0 release of Bogo bbPress, so I finished up and released it. Please understand that I am busy with other projects now, do not rely on my support or maintenance of this plugin. If you fix a bug and send me a patch, I will gladly apply it. If you pay good money and I’ve got some time, I might fix or add something for you. Other than that, you’re on your own.

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