Snippets functionality with a custom post type, shortcode and optional Gutenberg block.
최근 업데이트일
March 18, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Blocksolid Snippets

If your website shows the same content on multiple pages it’s best to just keep one copy of this content and to edit that if you need to make site-wide changes.

The Blocksolid Snippets plugin lets you manage these “snippets” of content using a dedicated custom post type.

In the Classic Editor Snippets can be conjured using a simple shortcode such as:

[blocksolid_snippet post_title=”My Snippet”]

If you use Gutenberg our included Snippets block allows you to choose your snippet from a list and live-preview it within your page.

Your snippet can contain formatted text, images, videos, [shortcodes], HTML, gutenberg blocks, any valid WordPress content.

If you are using our separate Blocksolid plugin as a page builder and Gutenberg overlay the Blocksolid Snippets plugin also integrates well with this.

Blocksolid Snippets Features

  • Snippets of code are contained in a custom post type that can then be called via a Gutenberg block or a simple shortcode
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