
Blaze Demo Importer

Blaze Demo Importer can be used in all the official themes developed by BlazeThemes. Plugin can be used to import any of the available starter sites s …
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June 17, 2024
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Blaze Demo Importer

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Blaze Demo Importer can be used in all the official themes developed by BlazeThemes. Plugin can be used to import any of the available starter sites settings in your website. Within just a few steps your website will look exactly like the starter website. Provides information about the plugin required to be installed and activated and proceeds automatically.

Plugin Features

  • Replicate demo you want in just a click
  • Clean previous website data – Optional
  • Automatically installs recommended and required plugins
  • Imports customizer settings, post, pages, media, navigation menus and widgets


* Forked from HashThemes Demo Importer Plugin
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