
Bitpoke Kubernetes

Kubernetes integration for WordPress.
최근 업데이트일
November 21, 2022
Bitpoke Kubernetes

The plugin surfaces information from the underlying cluster to your WordPress site. It’s aim is to better understand what’s happening with your site while it runs on a Kubernetes cluster.

Current and upcoming features

  • Kubernetes info – displays the Kubernetes control plane version right into the site health-check
  • Pod information – displays the pod runtime information
  • ToDo: Multisite ingress – manage Kubernetes ingress resources for multi site deployments
  • ToDo: Deployment health – run health checks for the deployment the current pod is part of
  • ToDo: Manage deployment scaling – allows to scale the deployment up and down right from your WordPress dashboard
  • ToDo: List all deployment’s pods – list all pods from managed by the deployment and surfaces info regarding them.
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