
Bangla Sidebar Login

It is an ajax enabled Bangla wordpress login form through which you can add a Bangla wordpress login widget in your website's sidebar.
최근 업데이트일
September 11, 2012

Bangla Sidebar Login is an ajax enabled Bangla wordpress login has both a widget and a template tag to allow you to have a Bangla login form in the sidebar of your wordpress powered blog. It lets users login, and then redirects them back to the page they logged in from rather than the backend, it also shows error messages. This plugin adds the capability of placing a login widget in the sidebar with smooth AJAX login effects.

  • Works on all modern browsers.
  • Work With all the cache plugins.
  • Widget available.
  • Simple configuration.
  • Shortcode and template tags available just add to your page.
  • AJAX Login without refreshing your screen.
  • Redirect back to the same page or as per the configuration

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