
Bake Posts

Bake Post can be used to display recent posts and posts from particular category and tags. (Not compatible for Multisites)
최근 업데이트일
June 11, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
Bake Posts

Bake post is developed in order to display posts in pages or in widget areas just by pasting the respective shortcodes. Individual shortcodes are available for displaying recent posts, posts on categories and tags. It has a feature to display featured image as a thumbnail. Shortcode generator is also available to generate shortcodes according to requirement.

Shortcodes for displaying Recent Posts are

1.[bake-post-recent limit=5 excerpt=”no” featured_image=”yes”]

2.[bake-post-recent limit=5 excerpt=”yes”]

These two short codes can be used to display recent posts. Excerpt option can be used to display description as excerpt or full content. Featured Image can also be displayed by setting featured_image=”yes” in the shortcode.

Shortcodes for displaying Posts on category are

3.[bake-post-category term=’slug’ category=’all’ limit=5 excerpt=”no” featured_image=”yes”]

4.[bake-post-category term=’slug’ category=’all,stories’ limit=5 excerpt=”yes”]

5.[bake-post-category term=’id’ category=’1′ limit=5 excerpt=”yes” featured_image=”no”]

6.[bake-post-category term=’id’ category=’1,2,3′ limit=5 excerpt=”no”]

Term values differs from “id” or “slug”. If Slug is used, category value should be category slug values. For example, if your category name is short stories, Slug will be short-stories. We can use multiple slug values seperated by commas. If id is used, category value should be category id values. For example, We can use multiple id values seperated by commas.Featured Image can also be displayed by setting featured_image=”yes” in the shortcode.

Shortcodes for displaying Posts on Tags are

7.[bake-post-tags term=’slug’ tag=’tag1′ limit=5 excerpt=”yes”]

8.[bake-post-tags term=’id’ tag_id=’1,2,3′ limit=5 excerpt=”no”]

Featured Image can also be displayed by setting featured_image=”yes” in the shortcode.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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