
autoSKU for WooCommerce Variable Products

Automatically assign unique SKU to all your product variations, adding a letter (a, b, c, ...) to the main product SKU.
최근 업데이트일
October 4, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
autoSKU for WooCommerce Variable Products

Automatically assign unique SKU to all your product variations, adding a letter (a, b, c, …) to the main product SKU. Assegna automaticamente un codice unico SKU a tutte le variazioni del prodotto, aggiungendo una lettera (a,b,c, …) allo SKU del prodotto principale.

Tested up to WooCommerce 3.4.0

Respect to other SKU generators, we needed a simple tool that produces a very short SKU code, to be easily written even on a barcode.

Usage is very simple.

  • Assign a SKU to the main product (e.g. “089”)
  • Search the autoSKU (wheel) icon on the right side of the SKU field.
  • Click on the autoSKU icon.
  • Check the SKU (e.g. “089a”, “089b”, …) assigned to each variations.

It doesn’t overwrite existent SKUs. It works only for variable product.


No special features, yet.

Translations in your language

  • English
  • Italian (it_IT)
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