
Auto iFrame

A quick and easy shortcode to embed iframe's that resize to the content of the remote site.
최근 업데이트일
December 3, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Auto iFrame

A quick and easy shortcode to embed iframe’s that resize to the content of the remote site.

Auto iFrame shortcode is in the format of:

[auto-iframe link=xxx tag=xxx width=xxx height=xxx autosize=yes/no]


  • link = the url of the source for the iFrame. REQUIRED.
  • tag = a unique identifier in case you want more than one iFrame on a page. Default = auto-iframe.
  • width = width of the iFrame (100% by default). Can be % or px. Default = 100%.
  • height = the initial height of the iframe (100% by default). Can be % or px. Default = 100%.
  • autosize = enable the auto sizing of the iFrame based on the content. The initial height of the iFrame will be set to “height” and then resized. Default = true.
  • fudge = a fudge factor to apply when changing the height (integer number, no “px”). Default = 50.
  • border = enable the border on the iFrame. Default = 0.
  • scroll = enable the scroll bar on the iFrame. Default = no.
  • query = pass the parent’s page query string to the iFrame. Default = no.

Note: Auto re-sizing of the iFrame for cross domain sites does not work, this is a security protection provided by the browser and there is no way around it.

Now supports (Shortcode UI)[] (aka Shortcake)!

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