
Author WIP Progress Bar

Tested up to 6.5 The WIP Progress Bar plugin allows writers and authors to display beautiful progress bars on their WordPress websites via a Widget o …
최근 업데이트일
April 3, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Author WIP Progress Bar

The WIP (Work in Progress) Progress Bar is the plugin I wanted as an author for my website. The WIP-Progress Bar creates beautiful progress bars (AKA progress meters) via Widgets or by generating a shortcode. An excellent and fun way to engage with your fans.

The plugin tracks word or page count goals, current word or page count, and calculates the progress by showing the completion percentage and displaying that with a very cool progress bar with multiple colors, animation and other choices to choose from.

The plugin also allows the writer to display a hyperlink, their book cover from the media library, and custom text along with the progress bar.

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