
Audio Player

Get your audio tracks in front of potential customers.
최근 업데이트일
July 4, 2022
Audio Player

If you’re selling tracks, albums, or voice-over services, users can also preview your audio content. Even if you host through SoundCloud, you can connect to our app and keep users on your store.

Not only can you preview audio tracks, but you can use our app to also engage people. For example, you can offer audio tutorials, answer FAQs, or even share podcasts. There are many use cases possible and we look forward to seeing what you make!

Preview audio tracks

Offer peace of mind by allowing customers to preview your audio tracks before buying.

Delight your users

Improve your customers’ experience by playing music while they browse your site.

Reinforce your brand

Play music from your physical stores to recreate a familiar connection with your users.

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