
Arabic Webfonts

An easy way to add Arabic fonts to any theme without coding using WordPress Customizer.
최근 업데이트일
March 11, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목
Arabic Webfonts

An easy way to add Arabic fonts to any theme without coding using WordPress Customizer.

Arabic Webfonts Site | Jozoor Plugins | Jozoor Themes

An easy way to add Arabic fonts to any theme without coding using WordPress Customizer. This plugin integrates with the WordPress Customizer so you can preview all Arabic fonts on your site in realtime. It’s compatible with any theme.

It also allows you to create custom font controls in the plugin admin page area to control particular css selectors. Once created, these custom font controls are instantly available in the customizer no coding required!

The plugin depend on ” Arabic fonts library ” from:

Arabic Webfonts Features

  • An easy way to add Arabic fonts to your site.
  • Control in the font type, size and style for any section in real time.
  • Adding custom font controls for your theme.
  • Reset any section settings or all settings.

Plugin Support

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