
AppConsent CMP by SFBX

This plugin helps you to setup the AppConsent CMP easily. ( Consent Management Platform )
최근 업데이트일
June 23, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
AppConsent CMP by SFBX

This plugin help you to setup our CMP AppConsent by SFBX ®

Get a valid CMP installed onto your websites in the matter of minutes. Compatible with any Web or Web Mobile browsers. IAB 2.1 TCF Certified

AppConsent®, the transparency-based consent management platform Our CMP, AppConsent®, enables digital players to optimise their consent rates and ensure a qualitative and personalised user experience. Our AppConsent® product is a trusted third party solution that collects, proves, centralises and distributes the consents collected on all digital channels. It is available in several packages to best meet your needs according to your audience and your specificities. Restore your users’ confidence and make your relationship more fluid for an optimised consent rate.

무료Creator 요금제에서
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