A fixed position (header) HTML with jQuery drop-down announcement bar using Custom Post Types.
최근 업데이트일
April 23, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
Announcement Bar

This plugin adds a jQuery file that will position a fixed bar at the top of your browser screen to show announcements (controlled by a custom post type [CPT]) on each page load. Built with simple HTML and javascript.

Upon installation, you can choose the prefix for your post type. Be sure to choose wisely, because once you publish your first post this can’t be changed. If you are having problems with redirects visit your permalinks page to flush your rewrite rules by visiting your permalinks settings page (no save needed).

New: A cookie is added and deleted when you toggle the bar open and closed. Depending on the position of the bar when you leave the page is where it will be when you re-visit the site.

For question please visit my blog @ http://austin.passy.co

The Link Please be aware when publishing a post, as of right now, you have to fill in the content with non-html text and add a link into the link field. This link is really the permalink and is what gets counted when clicked on. It will also revert to the home page if missing, and not count against the counter. If you’re getting 404 issues when visiting the permalink page, please refer to the FAQ section.

Future Releases

This plugin is brand new and has some future planes.

  1. Saved bar position with cookie settings.
  2. Post and page per post ID.
  3. Per post on/off toggle.
  4. ….
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활성화된 설치 항목
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