
Alligator Menu Popup

Add the 'mpopup' class to a menu item in a custom menu to open the target in a popup Window.
최근 업데이트일
April 16, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Alligator Menu Popup

This is a fork of my similarly named Alligator Popup Plugin. Unlike the original plugin, this one enables you to open the target of a menu item of your WordPress custom menu in a popup window.

Add the ‘mpopup’ class to a menu item in a custom menu to open the target in a popup Window.

Enables you to specify that a menu item on your WordPress custom menu will open in a new popup window. An admin page allows you can control the size of the popup window and whether it has scrollbars.


You will find the Menu Popup Settings Page at Settings => Menu Popup

  • Set the dimensions of the popup window and whether you want the popup window to be scrollable

Then edit your custom menu at Appearance => Menus * Enable the CSS Classes option in the Screen Options pull-down panel on the menu editor page.

  • Add the mpopup class to any menu item where you want the target page to open in a popup window.

When the menu item is clicked, the link should now open in a popup window.

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