
All In One Must Have

Plugins synthesize the functions useful needed on a website to help you optimize your website and support you manager, security defence, seo website b …
최근 업데이트일
August 16, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
All In One Must Have

Plugins synthesize the functions useful needed on a website to help you optimize your website and support you manager, security defence, seo website better.

SECURITY WEBSITE + Change the wp-admin login path + Create password protected directories wp-admin + Hide current wordpress version information + Change database prefixe + Change key salt + Disallow add new plugins and themes on wp-admin + Disallow edit files in themes and plugins on wp-admin + Disable XML-RPC

SOME USEFUL FUNCTION + Compression of image quality + Optimized filename upload + Auto upload photos to library + Automatic thumbnail selection for posts + Shorten your html, delete default html not used + Delete js,css add by plugins + Alerts let you know when the article duplicates the title + Support counts article views + Disable comments wordpress

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활성화된 설치 항목
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