A simple calendar plugin to show a list of 24 days before christmas. Each day can be viewed automatically on the current date after it got published.
최근 업데이트일
November 29, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Advent Calendar

This plugin easily outputs an advent calendar for your chosen year (e.g. 2013). In the current version one entry consits of a title and a featured image, that’s all!

Therefore the plugin provides the following functionality:

  • A custom post type called “Advent calendar entry”
  • A bulk creation utility to create 24 Advent calendar entries with one click. Each one is automatically scheduled for 1. – 24.12.
  • A shortcode which outputs an Advent calendar overview. You can use it with [advent-calendar year=”xxxx”], i.e for 2013 it would be [advent-calendar year=”2013″]
  • As long as an Advent calendar entry is not published the entry will not be clickable in the Advent calendar overview. After automatically publishing (make sure your WordPress virtual cron is running probapbly) the entry will be clickable and viewable.

Fits perfect for any website to release exclusive picture content on the 24 days before christmas.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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