
Advanced Rank Checker

Advanced Rank Checker lets you check your ranking on the keywords you provide to the system. You can check your keywords ranking once a day.
최근 업데이트일
June 8, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
Advanced Rank Checker

What is Advanced Rank Checker?

Advanced Rank Checker is a system that lets you check your ranking on the keywords you provide. You can check your keywords ranking once a day. You instantly see how many positions your keywords grew or decreased.

This plugin will be updated weekly to provide as much support as needed.

Options page

You can set the dashboard view in the options page. If you seek for any more options for the plugin, please contact me so I can check what i can do for u.

Select your country

You can now select your own country to search in. The default Google search country is .com, you can change it in the options page.

Add your own country

You are now able to add your own country. The country list has over 50 supported countries now. If you can’t find your country in the list, just add your own one.

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